I am using this lightbox plugin,
I have items on the page similar to the example:
it works fine, but I want to change some options, for that according to the documentation http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/#options it should be
however i am getting an error
so, how to set the options I need ?
edit: the option snippet I have is AFTER the line where the lightbox js is loaded.
edit2: also the options snippet is inside document ready
edit3: lightbox is loaded and is working fine
I’m a coder. Welcome to my blog. Here are some of the records on my job.
I am using this lightbox plugin,
I have items on the page similar to the example:
it works fine, but I want to change some options, for that according to the documentation http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/#options it should be
however i am getting an error
so, how to set the options I need ?
edit: the option snippet I have is AFTER the line where the lightbox js is loaded.
edit2: also the options snippet is inside document ready
edit3: lightbox is loaded and is working fine
As it turned out it has something to do with the version, i was using version 2.7.1 , I tried with the version 2.8.1 and the error disappeared
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(. ).html5lightbox is not a function
georgia.biz.ua/:216 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(. ).fancybox is not a function
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